Guest Courses

This course has been created to give you information about current guidance relating to the pandemic and links to the most up to date advice, as well as exploring how you might be feeling, what you can do to support your mental health at this time and how to support other people you know, including children and young people and some accessible information.
The coronavirus pandemic means that more of us are working remotely at home, socialising, shopping and educating our children online, which makes it more important than ever that we do everything we can to stay safe online. This course has been created to give you information about how to make the most of your time online including looking after your wellbeing and supporting children and young people online.
A course that introduces:

  • Personal Recovery
  • The CHIME Factors (Connectedness, Hope, Identity, Meaning and Empowerment)
  • Spirituality & Recovery
  • Positive Psychology
  • The 5 ways to Wellbeing

This course is available for guest users to get a taste of the courses we have on offer for enrolled students.
There are three topics in the series, however, you do not need to complete them all, just the topic you are interested in. Of course, you can complete all the topics if you wish to. They are:

  • Part 1 - Preventing cancer, early signs and symptoms
  • Part 2 - Diagnoses and receiving cancer treatment
  • Part 3 - Living with and beyond cancer

The information contained in this course is relevant for people living with mental health difficulties or those that have experienced them in the past; those looking after someone living with a mental health condition and cancer such as a family member or health professionals.
This course is divided into the following sections:

Dealing with the Personal Impact of a Major Incident

This section is aimed at anyone who has been affected by a major incident or knows someone who has, either personally or professionally. It considers the personal impact of a major incident and explores what can help.

Adults Supporting Children after a Major Incident

This section is aimed at adults supporting children in either a personal or professional capacity. For example, this could be family, carers, school or health service staff. It considers how a major incident can affect children and what you can do to support them. It also explores understanding why it is sometimes necessary to seek more help and when to do so.

Children Dealing with the Impact of a Major Incident

This section has age appropriate information which a child could read through by themselves or ideally with an adult. The section uses a story format to explore some of the issues that children exposed to a major incident experience. This is in addition to the main content that provides more factual information and includes some activities aimed at helping children express their thoughts and feelings.

Young People Dealing with the Impact of a Major Incident

This section has information specific to this age group about the personal impact of a major incident, what can help, and why it may be necessary to seek more help sometimes.

Incident Preparedness

This section is aimed at professionals and organisations, identifying key aspects about how to plan and prepare prior to a major incident. It also aims to promote the resilience of survivors and responders directly or indirectly exposed to such incidents.

Community and Service level responses to trauma

This section provides a model identifying the priority tasks that need to be addressed following a major incident and also considers the impact and effectiveness for staff and survivors of various management styles.

Interviews with people who have experienced a major incident

This section has a collection of personal accounts with people who have experienced a major incident. Reading other people’s reflections while sometimes difficult, can deepen an individuals understanding of their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours and in this way may aid recovery.
This course looks at why to create an account, what the benefits can be, what information we need and why as well as information for those who are interested but are under 13 years old.
This course is for children and young people of any age. It looks at the acronym CHIME which stands for Connectedness, Hope, Identity, Meaning and Empowerment. It explains what they are and how they are useful aspects of life with some practical ideas for strengthening them.
This course is for children who are 12 years old or less. It looks at what we mean when we talk about being healthy, how to help keep our feelings healthy as well as knowing our emotions (particularly big emotions) and how to manage them.
This course is for children under 12 years old. It will help you learn more about what resilience is and how to be more resilient.