This course will explain the role of psychological therapies and consider some of the reasons for seeking it. It will look at the therapeutic relationship, offer an overview of various types of therapies and explore the different routes to accessing therapy. The course offers you the chance to think about whether this is the right way forward for you or whether any of the alternatives to therapy might be more useful to you at this time.
Formulation is about gathering relevant information to help make sense of experiences in a highly personalised way. This course provides an overview of formulation approaches used in mental health treatment and is aimed at those living with mental health
difficulties and those who live with or look after them, members of the public and staff.
A summary of key skills taught in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy also known as DBT (e.g. Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotional Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness). The skills are presented in an easy-to-use format for those who are currently accessing DBT, have graduated from a DBT programme or have an interest in DBT. The resource consists of videos created by staff who work in DBT and written summaries of the skills covered in the videos.
This course offers an introduction to the Positive Behavioural Support model which is being used increasingly in mental health services.
Positive Behavioural Support can be used when someone's behaviour is challenging the people around them and affecting their quality of life.
This course explores how Positive Behavioural Support works, and considers how it might help you or someone you know or work with.
This course was developed by Stephen Davison, Lead Nurse, Positive and Safe team.
It has been updated by Tony Ashton, Group Analytic Psychotherapist.